25 September 2010

You are the one~

I'm happy that you are back to me...
I hope that now you realize that I'm sincere to you and really appreciate you.
Eventhough we are far from each other...
but I guess our heart always near to each other.
I saw your blog this morning... I'm damn happy..
But still not sure the one u mentioned is me or not...
Nevermind.. Later will call you/sms you to verify.. haha^^
I also hope that you will read my blog..
So that you can know more what's my feeling for you..
For now I know we still haven't upgrade our relationship...
But I hope that one day you will accept me...
Haha~ But really happy that you mentioned about me in your blog (but if that one for me la)
Please tell me the truth... So that I can even more happy to know it...^^
By the way, I feel sad that my friend broke up with his lover...
haiz~ last time they are sweet couple... But now.. haiz ... duno what happen... Love is like that... SOmetime taste so sweet and sometime taste even sour and bitter .. haha~ Both of you also my friends... So I hope after this you both can live happily ya... For JT, I know you're sad... And you always keep it inside your heart... Never show it to anyone around you.. Just cheer up la ok? ^^
But for you "YC" dont worry ya^^ I'm not that kind of person... haha.... Just let time to prove how much I appreciate you~!
I think now you also know already right??? Hehe...
Im talking about you ar~ are u reading my blog now...
If yes, pls sms me^^ Im waiting for you ar^^

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